Cindicator-Hybrid Intelligence
Cindicator-Hybrid Intelligence
Cindicator-Hybrid Intelligence
this project may be very interesting for you to follow and you refer to more details because it is different from others this project called Hybrid Intelligence is a bit weird or never heard in the neighborhood or at school Hybrid Intelligence is a technology that has a comparison between humans and machines can be said the advantages and differences of man with the machine can be seen clearly from some sign that is artificial intelligence which is used to complete various tasks.Human intelligence is used to solve problems that are more complex because involves the future time dimension of forecasting or future projection, while the machine's intelligence is utilized for things that are technical and the accuracy of a calculation, it is expected to merge between these two types of intelligence can strengthen each other in solving problems with a high degree of complexity as in the field of investment and also can provide benefits for the living environment between each other
Hybrid Intelligence Purpose
1: connecting human beings with others
2: Provide solutions to environmental problems
3: Provide good avenues for investment
4: global market growth forecast
As for Hybrid Intelligence kelayihan namely Hybrid Intelligence is a project that is very well concealed and meticulous by the team with this Hybrid Intelligence creates a strong security that is supported by Cindicator's advanced technology infrastructure, giving us a real-time market perspective. Synergy Man and Machine and all teams can guarantee all within a secure and controlled Cindicator and CND token holders make smarter decisions, Hybrid Intelligence also now introduces to everyone a very interesting program infrastructure infrastructure Hybrid Intelligence infrastructure will have a function as a producer of data forecasting, trading or arbitrage by utilizing a trading robot (AI). The Cindicator platform allows the holders the above tokens benefit from any trading activity in the traditional stock market, crypotocurrency
maybe this is the only one that I can explain for deeper you should immediately follow this project
which is where the sales tokens have been specified you can join to gain profit
because this is an excellent opportunity for you to follow the smart move
or can follow the program bounty coin Cindicator
Token Sales Schedule 12 September - 12 October 2017
Purchase Token Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ethereum Classic
Price Token 1 CND = $ 0.01
Bonus Sales Token -
Total Supply Token 1.500.000.000
Distribution Bounty Token
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