Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018

Earth Token-Addressing climate change adaptation to a natural environment

Climate change is a major risk to the global economy, affecting the wealth and prosperity of all citizens and countries around the world. This will have a significant impact on resource availability, energy prices, infrastructure vulnerabilities and corporate valuation.The company's environmental sustainability efforts are no longer considered purely voluntary. Customers and shareholders alike expect significant energy and emissions reductions, while legislators at all levels create new regulations that require evidence of adaptation compliance to climate change.

The value of undervalued and undervalued natural capital assets is estimated to be worth over USD $ 120 trillion, while the specific assets represented by institutions and individuals committed to some sort of fossil fuel divestment are estimated at $ 5 trillion by 2017.While awareness and laws on climate change and the importance of growing Nature Assets, there is no transparent mechanism for connecting these Natural Asset producers with buyers and consumers of those assets. Today, like many industries, the controls and benefits that come with some special people.

Solutions brought by Earth Token

there are several Solutions described below that work to drive demand for Natural Assets through the provision of unique environmental sustainability solutions. Our technology allows our clients to tackle climate change adaptation, and create differentiated values that help them build brand equity and increase market share.

  1. Carbon Mitigation - Together with supply-side partners, we have enabled organizations of all sizes to compensate for the negative environmental impacts of their business operations since 2009. Our technology platform and business model allow clients to identify and share environmental impacts and mitigation efforts against specific activities related to producing products or providing services. Once the mitigation mechanism and associated costs have been determined, our solutions enable clients to engage their customers in their business, distribute the burden and opportunity to be environmentally responsible with everyone who wants to participate, expand their reach and increase the impact of those efforts across their region. value chain. 
  2.  Climate Neutral Fuels - Neutral Fuel Solutions Our climate is a turnkey approach to fuel management that improves operational efficiency of internal combustion equipment, such as vehicles, generators and other assets important to businesses and industries. Combining proven technology with asset monitoring and management capabilities results in improved fuel efficiency, reduced fuel costs and harmful emission reductions associated with fuel combustion. The integrated mitigation mechanism also allows customers to compensate for residual emissions. Customers typically experience net financial gain by implementing our Climate Neutral Fuel solution resulting in savings that they can use to fund additional environmental conservation efforts.
  3. Waste for energy - Waste for energy is the process of generating energy from a primary waste material by creating synthetic fuel from the material and using that fuel to create energy. In conjunction with strategic business partners, we provide gasification plants capable of converting carbonaceous raw materials such as biomass, coal or city solid waste into synthetic gas (Syngas). The resulting syngas are clean, dry and flexible fuels that can be burned to create heat and electricity. It can also pass through various catalysts to produce liquids such as alcohol and transportation fuels, including clean-burning diesel, or used to supply pure hydrogen gas that can be used in multiple applications in various industries.\

Natural Asset Exchange Market

The Natural Asset Exchange blockchain platform and the initial sale of the Earth Token crypto-token tokens provide a unique opportunity to completely transform the Natural Capital Asset market, creating a Natural Asset Marketplace that enables all stakeholders in the value chain to participate.

Details of Token Sales

Token Sales Schedule   :30 October 2017

Purchase Token            : Ethereum, Bitcoin

Price Token                  : 4000 ETN / 1 ETH 

Bonus                           :  10% - 30%

Total Supply Token       : ETN

Info Team


Angus Rowe - Co-founder, Chairman
Leonard Harley - Co-founder, Managing Director, IT Director
Peter Newell - Operations Director, Acting Financial Director
Allan Saunders - Marketing Director, Product Development Director
Advisors Dennis Stone
Jason Berry
Wes Carlson
Carrington Phillip
Dr. Brian Robertson
Joeri Pross
Maurice Crespi

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